Thursday, May 14, 2015

3 Ways To Transform Your Life For Free (Starting Right Now!)

1. Create a Mantra and Repeat It Every Day!
A mantra is a short and powerful statement of affirmation that you should repeat to yourself on a daily basis, preferably when you first start your day and also before you go to sleep. Your personal mantra should be motivational, positive and encouraging. It can be a powerful tool to aid in meditation as you repeat the same affirmation to yourself over and over, eventually integrating this positive way of thinking into your subconscious and helping to change negative thoughts and beliefs. Your mantra can be as simple as "Today, I choose happiness." or "I am confident and free to be me". It is whatever you choose and aim to be! 

Remember that your mantra doesn't have to reflect something that you already are. You can fake it 'till you make it, as they say! Your mind is like a muscle. The more you repeat certain thoughts, the stronger those pathways will become in your brain and, pretty soon, you will be utilizing those thoughts naturally, without so much as a second thought! So find some quiet time, listen to the positive thoughts that are emanating from within you or think of some positive thoughts that you would like to emanate from within you, write them down, and then try to create a short and powerful statement from those thoughts that feels right for you.

My favorite mantra is from the incredible book, Attitude Reconstruction by Jude Bijou:  

"I'll do what I can and the rest is out of my hands."
Here are some links to several great examples of personal mantras to give you some ideas... 

2. Create a Vision Board on Pinterest!

Creating a vision board (sometimes called a dream board) can help you to hone in on what it is you really desire. One of the first tasks that I give my clients is to make a vision board on Pinterest, using photos that represent goals and dreams that they want to achieve. Then, I instruct them to look at their board every single day so those images always stay fresh in their minds. Your vision board can focus on all the areas in your life as a whole or you can choose to focus on one specific area of importance to you. The most important part is to have fun and to dream big! Looking at your vision board every day is just as important as creating it in the first place. When you keep those images fresh in your mind, you are constantly reminding yourself of your goals and dreams and you are utilizing the law of attraction to obtain what you want!

 Find Your Wings and Fly Free!

Signing up on Pinterest is free and once you are logged in, doing a quick search for vision boards can help to give you some examples of what others are doing if you'd like some ideas!

Here is a link to my own personal dream board...

3. Go Outside!

Yes, that's right...all you have to do is get up off the couch or out of your chair at the desk and walk right out the front door. Forget about Facebook and Twitter, forget about your emails, forget whatever crazy drama is going on in the news today, and remember that you can consciously choose to focus on something positive and you deserve to take a few minutes every day to be truly and consciously present! So go to the park, go for a walk through your neighborhood, watch some birds and literally stop to smell the flowers! Why? Because flowers are beautiful and they are incredible creations of Mother Nature and they deserve to be appreciated, just like you! My husband and I try to take some time to get outside every day, even if it is just a short ten or fifteen minute walk with the dogs! Sometimes, we just take our lunch to the park and listen to the birds while we eat. It is so nice to break up the work day with a quick picnic in the sunshine!

Here is a photo of what I call the Hobbit Path at Alvarado Park in Richmond from last week!

  So, these are all things that you can do for free every day and adding these things to your daily routine can make an incredibly huge impact on your physical and mental health! You don't have to spend a bunch of money to change your life! From now on, take time every day to repeat your mantra, look at your vision board, and take a walk outside! 

You can do this! You deserve this! I believe in you!

Monday, May 4, 2015

The Day That My Life Changed Forever...

In the spring of 2010, I was just 20 years old and was living in quirky Berkeley, California. I was late for work, so I rushed out of my house and scurried across the street to the Ashby BART station. Realizing that I was already 15 minutes late, I decided to stop and have a smoke in the parking lot, saying to myself, "Fuck it, you're already late, what's 5 more minutes?". 

Even though I am no longer a smoker, I am glad that I was then, if only because of the single happenstance that occurred that day. I was approached by a rather rude woman who asked for a cigarette (she happened to be the third person to ask me for one that day) and I told her that I didn't have any left. Then, I was approached by a man of dashing Irish quality wearing a softball jersey that said Green Jays across the chest. He said, "I heard you tell that woman that you didn't have any smokes, but just in case you do, I have a quarter for you in exchange for one." I gave him a cigarette, but refused the quarter, thanking him for his gesture. He said his name was Moses. We talked for several minutes. I told him I was new to the area. He said he would love to show me around sometime. I took a chance and gave him my number and got on the train with a huge smile on my face.

We sent text messages back and forth as the day progressed and even on that first day, there were signs that we were meant to be. I told him that I had a Boston Terrier named Monster. Then he says to me, "You're kidding, right? I have a dog named Zombie."

(Zombie and Monster, BFF's forever!)

For our first date, we went to the lower end of Wildcat Canyon and went hiking with both of our dogs. Since that day in Spring, I have been caught up in a whirlwind of romance and excitement and I wouldn't change it for the world. Since then, we have moved to the El Sobrante hills and reside in our peaceful shangri-la by the Bay, where we rejoice in the wonders of love and the universe!

(Moses at the top of Wildcat Canyon)

We were married on August 31, 2013. That was the second best day of my life, next to the day we met. I am brought to tears on a regular basis when I think about the depth of our passion. The impact that he has made on the way I see the world and the way I see myself is too complex for words. He taught me how to love myself, as well as others. Every day he shows me that the impossible is actually completely possible if you just have faith and stay positive. I will forever be in awe of him and all that he is.


Hi there! Name's Mel. I believe in positivity, creativity and longevity. I'm a Wellness Coach based in the East Bay, California and I started this blog so I could help others stay positive and feel empowered to have the life that they have always dreamed of!